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My dear,
My dear,
13 février 2009

It's over.

If I left him, but would go back only for the sex, I would lie awake til late in the night, hearing him breathe. I would wish and wish him to take me in his arms. I would turn around and back to him, wondering if I were loosing time, counting experience,...
13 février 2009

his other girl

The day I first understood he lied about something important, I felt like a Stepford's woman. Taking his side over everybody's else. But then I found this message, of a woman. Then I found out, like they're used to tell: women do know, that they knew...
13 février 2009

cadeau controversé

Ca fait deux semaines que je me plains d'avoir un dos de grand-mère, alors que je viens d'avoir mes 22 ans. Il y a deux jours: peut-être que ca vient de la partie de jambes-en-l'air dans la baignoire avec mon mec? Je souris à y repenser. Je m'étais cognée...